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Treating adult ADHD in Tucson to help understand and manage  symptoms of ADHD.

Adult ADHD

New ways to manage adult ADHD

Living with ADHD or ADT (Attention Deficit Traits) as an adult is different from struggling as a child. While ADHD is always challenging, adults have sharper insight into how the symptoms interfere with daily life. However, many adults also recognize the flip side of ADHD which may include unique gifts of creativity and outside-the-box thinking. Adults with ADHD are often especially bright and motivated to succeed, but can find themselves spinning their wheels. ADHD, when unmanaged, can impact the ability to complete simple daily tasks, affect moods, negatively impact self-confidence, and take a toll on relationships with family and coworkers. Understanding the diagnosis, learning new ways to manage, and discovering ways to harness specific strengths of ADHD can help you be more productive, improve relationships, feel more relaxed, and enjoy life. Read on to learn about the variety of methods and techniques I use to help clients understand, manage, and overcome the negative effects of poor attention and/or adult ADHD in Tucson.

Struggling to Focus or Pay Attention?

  • Do you have ADHD or have you simply fallen prey to our fast past world that can lead to a scattered and forgetful mind? Get a proper screening to determine if your symptoms are attributed to Adult ADHD. Whether you receive a formal diagnosis or not, exploring factors that may contribute to inability to focus and lack of attention can be life changing.

  • Learn commonly misunderstood issues related to ADHD – dealing with ADHD is not limited to attention. The lack of attention and focus can affect other areas of life including relationships and moods. Fatigue, difficulty managing emotions, trouble communicating with others, and decreased self-confidence are just a few of the byproducts that tend to accompany attention related issues.

  • Resources – Books, Mobile Apps, groups and other support.

  • Ideas & tips for self-management – Whether you have a formal diagnosis of ADHD or simply have trouble with attention, processing factors that may be contributing to the issues and learning ways to troubleshoot can be imperative to getting your life back in order.  Including training attention, organizing, managing time and energy, nutrition, relationships, and emotion management.  

  • Relationships – understanding perspectives, learning how to listen, learning how to communicate so you are heard.

  • Time and energy management – everyone is different when it comes to getting organized. People with attention deficit are no exception. What works for some with ADD does not necessarily work for others. Learn to identify strategies that allow you to make the most of your strengths while minimizing the impact of attention challenges.

  • Learn what underlying assumptions and possible fears trigger procrastination and how you can work around this tendency and start getting things done!


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